The medium of instruction is English with Tamil as second language and Hindi as third language. The syllabus upto Class X is that of Samacheer Kalvi of Tamil Nadu and for Higher Secondary, it is that of the TN State Board. Apart from regular subjects, General Knowledge and Computer Science is taught from Std I to IX. Multimedia and other audio visual equipment’s such as Tata Class Edge is used for teaching and learning purposes. Many educational tools and instructional materials are used for teaching pre-primary children. Special care for the slow learners and extra care to make the bright into brilliant are some of the specialties of our school.
The groups offered at the Higher Secondary level are :
Group 1 : Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science
Group 2 : Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Group 3 : Commerce, Accountancy, Economics, Business Maths
Group 4 : Commerce, Accountancy, Economics, Computer Science
Languages Offered : Tamil, French, Sanskrit, Hindi.